So, I’ve been absent…oops?

I’ve been quite a bit absent from here for quite a while. It wasn’t intended, really. I meant to post, I was just neck deep in Ph.D and then in Ph.D recovery once it was done. Which really has involved sleeping, a lot, knitting and reading. And more sleeping.


I’m finally back to writing up some of the knitting patterns I’ve been collecting. See, while I’ve been busy with my Ph.D I have still been designing, I just haven’t been publishing much. So I have a backlog to type up, draw schematics for, photograph and tech edit. I’m getting there with most of them and there are a few I’m really excited for you to be able to see. This is just a slow process for me at the moment and getting the photos I suspect is going to take time.


It’s summer here and this week we’re supposed to have several days in a row over 30C. That’s fine, it’s not too hot, but trying to photograph items that are meant for winter, and need to look like they were photographed in winter takes a while to choreograph. I need to wait for a cooler or overcast day. It will happen. Just not this week I suspect. In the meantime there are a few more patterns to sort out and a new design on the needles.


Happy knitting!