Hello everyone!

Wasn’t it January just a few minutes ago? I have been meaning to blog for weeks about movies, knitting, what I’m reading, but it seems January has slipped away from me without me blogging at all.

I’ve been knitting more than I should, working on a test knit for the wonderful Andrea Black, aka Lacuna on Ravelry. I haven’t been reading nearly enough. I have been watching far too many trashy movies, but enjoying watching old classics from many years ago. And I’m slowly getting my head around what I need to do for my PhD this year. If I could get my brain to wake up instead of heading towards a mid-afternoon fog due to not enough sleep, that would help considerably.

Today’s task has been to sort out my Annual Progress Report that’s due soon. I’ve done what I can and sent it off to my supervisor and am now blogging instead of editing my novel and, come to think of it, my untouched coffee is probably cold and needs heating up.

I will try not to leave it so long next time.